Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study - Project Mailing List

Please enter your contact information to be added to the project mailing list for the Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study. The City respects your privacy and will only contact you regarding the study. 

City Planning collects your personal email address under the legal authority of Toronto City Council Item 2021.EX28.6, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 1110-2021, and the Environmental Assessment Act, section 6 to 6.3. The information will be used to confirm and administer a subscription to electronic notifications regarding the Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Manager, Public Consultation Unit, Metro Hall, 19th Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3C6, or by telephone at 416-392-2990.
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